Involved in the UFO phenomena for over forty years, Tony Topping adds his unique commentary to recent events in the media regarding UFOs. His new book I, Alien: The Secret UFO Chronicles is currently being written. Here Tony discloses what the US Navy cannot talk of and gives a very simple yet effective story as to why UFO disclosure is blocked. Giving insight into a Covert World hidden from view. When it comes to UFOs it is not all plain sailing for the military.
The Book I, Alien: The Secret UFO Chronicles is dedicated to my mother.
Dear Mum,
The years I spent with you were precious times. I’d do it all again, and I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there when you departed this world. The last words you said were that you wanted an ice cream, and I hope they serve them in heaven. We fought bravely, and I’ll never forget what a lovely kind soul you were.
Even in the toughest times of dementia you still smiled at me and told me how much you loved me. You would look up at me when you knew your time was short and tell me I was your darling son. Never forget, Anthony, you are a true man. Thank you for all you did. I had no idea four days later you would pass over. I am so sorry my darling mother. I could have done more. You said I had done enough and as a son I had gone beyond the call of duty. I tried to win the battle, but alas, you did not make it.
They were wonderful years, I wish they would return. Waking in the night, often with you, doing all I could, took me to the edge and made me stronger. It also changed me from boy to man very quickly. And so, Mother, I dedicate this book too you, for without you none of these events would of happened.
You were the catalyst; you were the teacher like no other. This book is written in your memory. You should never have gone through such an ordeal.
As you said from the afterlife, I will always be your child; the bravest boy, my boy, you said. You are still the bravest of women who played her part, unseen by the world.
So, my darling Mother, I write for you.
Your loving Son, forever