I Recently Filmed a UFO Over Marine Lake Southport. Friend Or Foe? It is Puzzling
UAP filmed over Marine Lake for the second time in a fortnight. 02/03/20022 In my forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of a UFO spy, I recall an incident of seeing…
Tony Topping A Legacy of UFO Encounters
Tony Topping PTSD Advocate | Researcher in Extraterrestrial Interaction Creative Director | Stellar Contact Email: enquiries@stellarcontact.net
UAP filmed over Marine Lake for the second time in a fortnight. 02/03/20022 In my forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of a UFO spy, I recall an incident of seeing…
The recent Pentagon report from the stand point of my forty year odyssey of contact with UFOs is a a cover up, the bizarre and strangely shocking mantra of "we…
Tony Topping films a UFO near his home and it is his alien encounters that inspired the digital art for his forthcoming book in June I, Alien: The Mystery of…
The website The Black Vault, ran by John Greenewald Jr., has published a downloadable archive of every instance of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the government classification for all the files…
Involved in the UFO phenomena for over forty years, Tony Topping adds his unique commentary to recent events in the media regarding UFOs. His new book I, Alien: The Secret…
Tony Topping returns to YT with his unorthodox commentary and UFO footage that he recently filmed over Southport UK. The origin of these UFOs are more closer to the film…