I Alien The Biography of Tony Topping
I, Alien The Mysterious Reality of the UFO Enigma. Tony Topping’s forthcoming book.


 “Like  an observational telescope in the psychic information matrix I appeared to be press ganged into a world I did not understand, that in someway has also been triggered by me in a way beyond my own consciousness. And so I, Alien is my autobiography and known to have been written before I even wrote it and that is a strange paradox. The digital art within it is inspired by the UFOs and the Chronicle element a diary from 2008 onwards details my part in an operation I call SCOVS. An advanced communication network and it is staggering to note the foundations to this goal have began” #IALIEN.

Insights from Beyond the Mainstream UAP Assessment

The recent Pentagon report from the stand point of  my forty year odyssey of contact with UFOs is a a cover up, the bizarre and strangely shocking mantra of “we do not know what they are” raises more questions than it answers. I was expecting the first line of disclosure about aliens to be led by the US Navy, to perhaps up the standard and disclose forms of life in our oceans that we do not understand. But I remain disappointed, and believe me when I say I am bitterly disappointed in all I have observed with the good the bad and the ugly. Dr Steven Greer indicates that the beings around us are evolved and not hostile. This based on my experiences requires deeper investigation. And it appears even the heads of out intel agencies and key management in the military are somehow mysteriously shut out of the information loop. Project Condign investigated the UAP phenomena and is a very interesting read, carried out by UK DI55 and it’s author now elderly does not want the limelight. In this article which is about my observation of those behind the UFOs  I would like to shed some further light on the mysterious phenomena on the prowl in the skies above.

The Nimitz Carrier Group Tic Tac incident had put the US Navy on alert as the UFO flew near it’s ships, it was the Russians or the Chinese was the cry. In fact Russia has done it’s own UAP study, the French did one, the Canadians and so on. What they did not tell you is that they are aware that some of this phenomena is visitation from elsewhere and they would like that kept quite. That causes a problem, a paradox that actually denies these nations information. Perhaps it is information on UFOs that they do not wish the Chinese or Russians to have. Everyone talks of disclosure in a way that is full of hot air, but there issues even I cannot speak of, the question must be asked who is telling the world they cannot reveal we have visitors from elsewhere. This is the cause of a flash point among alien forces in the skies above where denial is the policy nobody dare call it alien.

What is the purpose of these visits, Dr Greer is partly correct there are evolved visitors from elsewhere coming to earth, but within the Unacknowledged Special Access Projects or Black Projects those who have experiences with UFOs and aliens are targeted with advanced mind invasive technology making their lives hell. The alien abduction scenario also has a non human element too it and this causes a conflict within the ranks of those from the skies above. Contactees are being told to keep quiet about what they have witnessed. It is corrupt and the US government should be ashamed of itself having faced down tyranny at the end of WW11 they let it in via the back door in the desperate race to obtain high tech. There are strict security protocols in place regarding such liaisons. And so I talk of a flashpoint and the setting of a foundation towards human beings taking their place in a wider galactic community. I speak as a type of insider or covert witness on these matters and it is not a peaceful path to walk.

In the past those who were contactees were monitored by the FBI for communist sympathies, take Adamski or Billy Meier as those proclaiming contact with aliens. Nowadays in the modern world the unwritten law of thou shall not have contact is written. But who formed this law, I can assess it was not human, in other words an alien force controls what humanity sees of them and controls disclosure. The rumours abound on the internet of a fake alien invasion however this cannot happen and the question might be asked why. I have perhaps written the annexe Project Condign did not have humorously it could be called Movement of Alien Forces in UK ADR.

let us clarify the alien invasion scenario being played to us, an alien force however entrenched it is upon human affairs cannot cause an invasion without other ET groups observing there is a wider galactic community in the skies above, although it is denied. Such a wider galactic community observes human affairs and would observe any movement by an unlawful alien force. This means we have a small percentage that may not be friendly to mankind and it is opposed by a higher evolved alien mindset. The parties could then be divided into for example alien Russia and alien NATO, in my forthcoming book explain how Nordics the tall blonde blue eyed ET appear to be like a police force and police other alien factions. Straight out of science fiction I know but the truth is stranger than fiction. This bizarre stand off among the ET appears to be like a bar fight spilling into the street. It became apparent that both alien parties find a conflict between them as having no point meanwhile the alarming sabre rattling with Russia and NATO continues.

Art of I Alien
My digital art is inspired by my interaction with UFOs.
Aliens warn of conflict the symbolic vision I saw in 2014. Art by Lloyd Canning.

In 2014 I had an incident, a spectacular vision delivered from the skies above which was a warning given by those from the UFOs regarding a conflict, back then it was the Ukraine that was causing tensions luckily the Russians backed away. Ukraine surfaced again, but once again Russia stood down, Russia and it’s paranormal warfare unit may have seen the mayhem from such actions coming. Russia has it’s own story to tell regarding contact with aliens under it’s Directorate of Special Abilities led by the paranormal spy master General Savin.  I am not their biggest fan when I see actions conducted by them on my nations soil, what is interesting is how the unit understood very clearly from it’s own contact experiences how aliens perceive mankind. Mankind owes nothing to anyone and is independent in the universe, according to Boris Ratnikov the head of the Mental Security Unit designed to protect Boris Yeltsin.

I became aware of the unit via the American psychic spy 01 Joseph McMoneagle who guided me to his Russian opposite number and it appears  from documents I have seen that quite a liaison occurred with Joe visiting the Russian unit and comparing notes with them, General Savin was very complimentary on Joe’s abilities and they had learnt a lot from him.

Thus as they turned the psychic telescopes to the universe what did both the Russian and American units see. General Savin’s well educated and highly intelligent Special Abilities Unit will have perhaps seen a time line of chaos in the paranormal realm, and if they are aware as I am as to where this leads, then to allow such conflict to happen is a dis-service to all mankind, I ask is that what we want, cities in Europe reduced to ruins. Lives lost and as the Nordic ET group said too me “there are no winners in war.” And so I write this article with a sadness that such a marvellous knowledge system of understanding of the hidden realms around mankind developed by the Russians could end at the press of the nuclear button, gone forever that is how close to the brink humanity is, yet the work of this unit seemed to understand the struggle mankind faces to place it self as an evolved civilisation in the universe.

As I am a known Exceptional Human Experiencer or EHE,

In the studying of some of the CIA material I came across the term Exceptional Human Experiencer or EHE defined as an “umbrella term for anomalous experiences that transform the individual who has them so that they are engaged in a process of realizing their full human potential,

“Anomalous experiences are customarily treated as one-time events. Those who take an interest in them usually examine all the data they can gather concerning the event/experience itself and any relevant circumstances that seem to lead up to it. Very little attention is given to the experience/event’s aftereffects or its subjective qualities. In our approach, we start with the experience, including any predisposing factors and triggers. Then we take a close look not only at the objectively verifiable components and the anomalous ones, but also the physical, physiological, feeling, psychological, and spiritual components. Because of their importance, our main concern has become the aftereffects. If an experience does not have any lasting effect on the experiencer, it remains simply an anomaly, and so can be viewed objectively as a one-time happening, now finished. However, some anomalous experiences become personalized. They become part of the experiencer’s life. They have become exceptional experiences (EEs). These, in turn, can initiate a process that has ongoing transformative aftereffects. Then the experience becomes an exceptional human experience (EHE).” Source: https://tinyurl.com/pxbs2kvs

I contacted the former directorate as a known EHE and the reply regarding aliens was to open my heart to them they will respond and as I write in my forthcoming book I, Alien they did. In fact I was caught up in quite an advanced paranormal operation not ruled by the restrictions of time that I call SCOVS or Special Contact Operation Very See.

The Chronicles in my book I, Alien detailing my daily suffering in some type of operation sang unbeknown too me at the time, of a secret operation involving intelligence gathering like no other across some type of biologically intelligent network which had elements biblical, supernatural and UFO all moving as a packet of giant information across time and space and I was an interface. and if time is an observer, a foundation cross a time span of one hundred and fifty years before a scientific liaison between democratic governments and star nations will take place.

The Special Abilities Directorate uses women as Remote Viewers or Information Channel Operators, because of their better intuition than men  Thus the view of the Directorate regarding a liaison with aliens, reads like this.

“The group of women made the most significant progress in the research. Savin explained that they “wanted to make a contact with representatives of other civilizations. And we did it.” According to him, a special method has been developed that allowed the human brain to tune into a contact. “We had to tune energy-contour of the human brain to a particular wave, like a radio,” Alexey Savin explained.

“No hypnosis, drugs, or other similar methods were used in the course of the experiment. A special system of testing was also developed to separate the incoming reports from hallucinations and insanity of the experiment participants. The experimental results were impressive: six participants were given a chance of physical contact, and two of them even managed to visit an alien ship. According to Savin, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations revealed themselves gradually, giving away the information as they saw fit.

In particular, they talked about their government structure and education system. No information on the military could be obtained. The only thing they agreed to share was a scheme of the equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The head of the experiment explained that humans were like small children to them. “Our civilization is too young to be of interest to them as a subject for a dialogue. Because we are also a part of the universe, we may harm ourselves and other civilizations with our foolish actions, so they are looking out for us. “

But remember the mantra “we do not know what they are.”

Anonymous MOD source also said.

“Working in MOD I had access to all kinds of insight data and when my unit was conducting investigations I would speak to office and obtain the radar data, I could speak to witnesses and observatories. I could conduct all kinds of checks that civilian UFO researchers were unable to do. I was convinced by the shear weight of evidence and the sightings that some of the things we see in the skies and call UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. Craft of some kind, not all, as some had conventional explanations, after rigorous investigation we found five or ten percent defied any scientific explanation, and those ones, yes it looked as if they maybe craft from elsewhere. Some Colleagues say it might be a recon operation by them, there is no open outright contact, which suggest they might be keeping hidden (actually it a slow approach to liaison.) The evidence is undeniable, it is absolutely clear that structure craft continue to penetrate the UK ADR. We have scrambled aircraft and it appears we cannot absolutely say what these things are given they are penetrating our air defence we have to say there is a potential threat. ”

And so I bring to the party an opinion on the direction these UFO events are leading us to. Below is an actual UAP I have filmed over the years it has been many and there have been three distinct incidents where they have gone near radio antennas.

Mysterious non man made craft illuminates TV antenna which caused attention from unexpected quarters.

Second image right note illumination of TV antenna.

First major UFO incident for me in 1999 confirmed as not a manmade craft.

UFO morphs itself and flies through my ham radio antenna.

Once again taken a few years ago UAP flies near my ham radio antenna.

And so the theme over the years when I lived in Yorkshire is flying near antennas and it is I believe not a threat but a warning and a open hailing frequency gesture like out of Star Trek the UAP is hinting at communication, below is another UAP flying over me and with my insights I designed a mock up cockpit for it.

And this is where I express my opinion on what is happening. It is of note that the UAP that appeared near the Nimitz group were opening communication channels , the UFOs were perhaps capable of giving the ships a hard time tactically but that did not occur, this communicate of we want to talk is once again hinted at by the Tic Tac UFO I have filmed, I believe they are part of a maritime civilisation that uses the seas of earth and oceans upon other planets, they are making attempts at communication outside of any controlling mechanism and there is a possible alien Cold War among them. Because the US has perceived them as a threat and it is common sense to proceed in this way, we must also note how this great military nation has ring fenced itself. For example in the UAP I recently filmed one must ask how does it’s propulsion mechanism and navigation systems work, as the aliens have also said the data transfer technologies they use could revolutionise mankind and so as the US and UK military agencies observe this phenomena we must ask if a perception of them being wholly a threat is beneficial for technological understanding should it be jaw jaw is better than war war,  as the US prepares like Star Fleet to enter a Galactic Federation, set your phasers to stun and go forward in peace. As the ET observes it appears we have developed incredible weapon systems but cannot save our planet from the rising oceans. Therefore are UFOs not a threat but a warning that is the question.