Broadcaster, Author, and researcher Tony Topping films a UFO near his home and it is his alien encounters that inspired the digital art for his forthcoming book in June I, Alien: The Mystery of the UFO Enigma. The footage shows Tony filming the noiseless UFO followed by an artistic interpretation of what the cockpit of the craft may look like there are many interesting images inspired by alien contact for his new book. Tony says “I expect more to be filmed in the Marine Lake area, and to celebrate an earlier UFO contact at the Marine Lake involving a triangle UFO with three pink lights, we are using a 3d printer to create a working model of the contact experience, at a time in my life when I lost my mother to dementia, had to move house and have major all in the same year. His book is an autobiography of leading a clandestine life revolving around the UFO phenomena and is going to be quite a shocking read as Tony writes of his involvement in an operation called Special Contact Operation Very See that forms part of any advanced communication network between an earth agency and aliens.