Uncovering the Secrets of Alien Contact Beyond Remote Viewing & SETI
Uncovering the Secrets of Alien Contact Beyond Remote Viewing & SETI in a fog of confusion, and in the myriad of UFO grifter’s plus the we do not know what…
Tony Topping A Legacy of UFO Encounters
Tony Topping PTSD Advocate | Researcher in Extraterrestrial Interaction Creative Director | Stellar Contact Email: enquiries@stellarcontact.net
Uncovering the Secrets of Alien Contact Beyond Remote Viewing & SETI in a fog of confusion, and in the myriad of UFO grifter’s plus the we do not know what…
Legal Complexities of Alien Contact: Protecting Citizens in Extraordinary Circumstances is an Extraordinary Failure. At the heart of this unique form of political dissidence lies the intertwining of personal truth…
UFOs, Aliens, the Public, & a Confused Military: a Disaster Waiting to Happen The Military & UFOs and the concept of contact with extraterrestrial beings has always fascinated and intrigued…
An Educational Introduction to Those of the Ocean Deep who face technical challenges. A Mysterious Liasion: Aliens From The Ocean Encounters of Wonder. Unveiling a Mysterious Encounter: Journey Through Parallel…
Tony Topping’s imagery is as real as it gets to what he as witnessed with his Close Encounters. Here a Nordic ET from Andromeda talks about alien abductions. A school…
Tony Topping writes for the first time of his extraordinary double life as a UFO Spy. A survivor of abuse his forty-year odyssey in dealing with the UFO phenomena also…
UAP filmed over Marine Lake for the second time in a fortnight. 02/03/20022 In my forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of a UFO spy, I recall an incident of seeing…
For a number of weeks, the UFOs remained silent until the other evening when a Tic Tac type UAP appeared once again over Tony breaking the silence and lack of…
The John Lewis advert accurately portrays what contact with UFOs is all about and Tony Topping started to receive an email asking if his forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of…