I Recently Filmed a UFO Over Marine Lake Southport. Friend Or Foe? It is Puzzling
UAP filmed over Marine Lake for the second time in a fortnight. 02/03/20022 In my forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of a UFO spy, I recall an incident of seeing…
Tony Topping A Legacy of UFO Encounters
Tony Topping PTSD Advocate | Researcher in Extraterrestrial Interaction Creative Director | Stellar Contact Email: enquiries@stellarcontact.net
UAP filmed over Marine Lake for the second time in a fortnight. 02/03/20022 In my forthcoming book I, Alien Memoirs of a UFO spy, I recall an incident of seeing…
The website The Black Vault, ran by John Greenewald Jr., has published a downloadable archive of every instance of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the government classification for all the files…
In this edition Tony Topping takes the viewer into the the world of contact with UFOs and the presence of aliens in the skies above. Nobody dare call it alien…
Tony Topping UFO Encounters of the High Strange Kind, One of the UK’s Most Recognised TV & Radio Guests, UFO Journalist & Contactee. Tony has been at the sharp end…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5M0-nNpDJI The US Navy has changed it's guidelines for UFO reporting, does that mean sailors now have to report speaking to ET. Unlikely as UFO Journalist Tony Topping speaks to…